

Adjunct Instructor of Management, Gupta College of Business

电子邮件: bfrank@kingpaq.com

Why did you become a professor?
After a long career in business, I felt that an academic career would allow me to share some of what I learned in the “real world” with students in positions to have a positive impact in their organizations.  That’s why I selected a management-oriented business program as my desired place to teach.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?
The times when a student tells me that he/she used knowledge gained in class in their 工作.

What do you hope students gain from your courses?
An understanding not only of the course content, but an understanding that they live in a world of cause and effect.  Actions have 结果s, and if a specific 结果 is hoped for, one must take care that they undertake actions that will lead to the 结果.  That requires a knowledge of reward structures in organizations.  To paraphrase one management thought leader, “it is folly to hope for B, while rewarding A.”

What did you do prior to entering academia?
I was manager or personnel re搜索 in an international convenience store company.  My focus was on employee selection and assessment, organization development, and organization 有效性.

What are you passionate about outside of the University?
从 a business perspective, maintaining my network of professional contacts, which date back to my time in business.  These contacts, which occupy human resource leadership positions in major corporations, e.g.,约翰逊 & Johnson, General Foods, Sodexo, and NASA, keep me current in my discipline and that helps me be a better teacher.  从 a personal perspective, living a wholesome life that contributes to family and community.

What are your re搜索 interests?
从 a global perspective, using rigorous re搜索 procedures applied to real world problems that can result in evidence-based organizational change.  My specific interests dovetail with many of the issues that I faced while working in the private sector, e.g., employee selection, employee retention, organizational 有效性, and even more specifically, using Attachment Theory in the development of employee assessment practices, and assessing organization branding using qualitative analysis techniques on the words they use to describe themselves on websites, annual reports, and other documents they produce.