


法国 Language and Literature at the University of Dallas

1301-1302. Elementary 法国 I and II. The foundation for the study of 法国. Students acquire a basic vocabulary and an understanding of fundamental linguistic structures. 秋天和春天.
2311. Intermediate 法国 I. Review and further study of grammar, together with intensive oral and written practice. Study of selected aspects of 法国 culture. Three contact hours per week. 秋天.
2312. Intermediate 法国 II. Study of the periods and monuments of 法国 culture, emphasizing particularly moments of 法国 cultural greatness with which modern American undergraduates are unlikely 熟悉. Extensive work in reading, writing and speaking 法国. 春天.
3305. Introduction to 法国 Literature.
3310. Reading and Expression in 法国
. Intensive practice in reading and writing 法国. 先决条件: 2312 or the equivalent.
3311. Advanced Communication. 法国电影1. Practice in oral 法国, chiefly through the study of 法国 New 波电影. 先决条件: 2312 or the equivalent.
3312. Advanced Communication. 法国电影II. Practice in oral 法国, chiefly through the study of 法国 New 波电影. 先决条件: 2312 or the equivalent.
3313: Advanced Communication. 当代法国. Practice in oral 法国, emphasizing contemporary issues. 先决条件: 2312 or the equivalent.
3120. 戏剧工作室. Participation in a 法国-language theatrical production. 可以重复. 提供 frequently, usually in spring. 分级合格/不合格.
3145. Advanced 法国 Grammar I. The first of three one-credit courses; 法国 majors are expected to take all three. Designed to ensure a solid grammatical foundation necessary for further progress in 的语言. It is a refinement and an extension of knowledge already acquired rather than a simple review.
3146. Advanced 法国 Grammar II.
3147. Advanced 法国 Grammar III.
3330. Historical Linguistics.
Designed for language majors, but open to all students. An introduction to modern approaches to the study of language, culminating in an inquiry into the origins, historical development, and kinship of Indo-European languages. 每隔一年.
3331. 应用语言学. Introduction to Foreign Language Pedagogy. Introduction to the methods for teaching foreign languages at the secondary and university levels focusing on theory as well 作为实践. Includes supervised teaching units in UD Modern Language courses. 
3341. 法国 Literary Tradition I. Introduction to the key texts of the 法国 literary tradition and to the techniques of textual analysis in a modern language. An overview of the genres, movements, and chronological development of 法国 literature with a focus on texts from La Chanson de Roland to the works of Montaigne.
3342. 法国 Literary Tradition II. The continuation of 3341: 17th and 18th centuries. 3343. 法国 Literary Tradition III. The continuation of 3342: 19th and 20th centuries.
3V32. 法国 Outreach Teaching Practicum. Supervised foreign language teaching in cooperation with local area schools and home 学校协会. 1 - 3学分. 分级课程.
3V50-5V50. Special Topics in 法国. 课程 offered as needed, focusing on particular periods, or genres.
3V57. 法国实习. (can be taken for up to three credits): a 1-3 credit practicum undertaken with the approval of the program director involving off-campus educational involvement, such as an internship or related activity, in which there is a designated analytical or intellectual element resulting in an appropriate re搜索 paper or related 项目. Students should follow guidelines for internships. 分级合格/不合格.
4310. Studies in 法国 Authors. (SFA). Detailed study of the entire oeuvre of one or more major authors.
4320. Studies in 法国 Narrative. (SFN). 4321. Studies in 法国 Poetry. (SFP).
4323. Studies in 法国 Drama (SFD).
4340 Studies in a 法国 Period or Movement (SFM).
4346. 象征主义诗歌:
Baudelaire and His Aftermath. A study of modern 法国 poetry and poetic theory from Baudelaire into the 20th century, with special emphasis on the Symbolist tradition: Baudelaire, Mallarme, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Valery.
4349. Senior Honors Thesis. Exceptionally qualified senior majors are invited, as one of their major elective courses, to spend an entire semester re搜索ing and writing a thesis on a worthwhile topic, under the direction of one of their professors.
4V51. 独立研究.
4359. 法国 Thought and Culture after 1945.
High points of the 法国 intellectual scene since the Second World War.
4V90. Studies in 法国 Cinema (SFC).
5311-5312. 法国 for Reading Knowledge I and II.
5315. Introduction to Old 法国.
5316. Topics in Old 法国.
5317. Introduction to Old Occitan.