Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act

Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act

任何人使用本网站所载的信息对 another person is subject to criminal prosecution.

云顶集团云顶集团警察局,在遵守 the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, makes the following information available to the university community in order to afford the community with the opportunity to be aware of the condition of their environment concerning known sex offenders.  This information is not to be used in any other fashion or for any other purpose.  The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act description is listed below.

Currently Known Registered Sex Offenders Employed by, or Attending, the University of Dallas as Provided by the State of Texas Attorney General's Office

There are no registered sex offenders working at the University of Dallas at this time.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA) provisions appear in subsection (j) of the Wettering Act (42 U.S.C. 14071(j)).  Any person required to register under a state 性犯罪者登记项目必须通知州总检察长办公室有关 each institution of higher education (i.e., post-secondary school) in the state at 此人是学生还是工作人员,以及每次入学或就业的变化 status of the person at such an institution.

The local law enforcement agency having primary jurisdiction for the University of Dallas campus is the Irving Police Department. IPD can be contacted at:  972-721-2651

各州可以遵守《云顶集团》对这些注册人的要求, (1)向注册人提供有关这些具体义务的建议 are generally advised of their registration obligations, as discussed in part II.A of the January 5, 1999, Wetterling Act guidelines (64 FR 572, 579), (2) including 在注册信息中从每个注册人获取有关信息 在州内高等教育机构的任何入学或就业 (三)制定登记人通知国家登记的程序 或者被高等学校录用或者终止录取 或雇用将构成未能登记或保持这种登记最新 for purposes of subsection (d) of the Wetterling Act (42 U.S.C. 14071 (d)), and must be subject to criminal penalties as provided in that subsection.

根据《云顶集团4008om》第(j)款的要求,州程序必须 还要确保有关注册或在机构工作的注册人的信息 of higher education is promptly made available to a law enforcement agency having 该机构所在的司法管辖区,并进入适当的状态 records or data system. This requirement applies both to any information initially 向登记人索取有关高等院校入学或就业的资料 该州的教育情况,以及有关随后入学情况变化的信息 or employment status. As paragraph (3) of subsection (j) makes clear, subjection (j) 不增加教育机构索取有关资料的负担 注册或受雇于该机构的人来自国家,以及要求 国家将信息提供给有管辖权的执法机构 该机构的位置不取决于该机构的要求.

第(j)款关于及时向执法部门提供信息的要求 agency having jurisdiction where the institution is located is supplementary to the requirement under subsection (b) (2) (A) and (4) of the Wetterling Act (42 U.S.C. 14071 (b) (2) (A),(4))及时提供有关注册人的信息 to a law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the registrant resides. The legislative history of the CSCPA explains subsection (j)'s requirement as follows:

Once information about an offender's enrollment * * * or employment * * * [at] * * *高等教育机构已提供给一个州的性犯罪者登记 program, that information should be shared with that school's law enforcement unit as soon as possible.

The reason for this is simple. An institution's law enforcement unit will have the most direct responsibility for protecting that school's community and daily contact with those that should be informed about the presence of the convicted offender.

If an institution does not have a campus police department, or other form of state 认可的执法机构,性犯罪者的信息可以共享 with a local law enforcement agency having primary jurisdiction for the campus.

146 Cong. Rec. S10216 (Oct. 11, 2000) (remarks of Senator Kyl).

Thus, if an institution of higher education has a campus police department or other form of state recognized law enforcement agency, state procedures must ensure that 有关该机构注册或雇用注册人员的资料 (以及随后注册人的注册或就业状况的变化)是及时的 made available to the campus police department or agency at the institution, then 国家程序必须确保他的资料及时提交其他法律 enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the institution is located. Regardless of whether an institution of higher education has its own law enforcement unit, the 《云顶集团4008om》并未限制各州自由裁量权作出有关信息 登记在册或在其他执法机构工作的注册人 agencies as well.

第(j)款的措辞特别指任何“受雇、 carries on a vocation, or is a student " at an institution of higher education in the state. These terms have defined meanings set forth in subsection (a) (3) (F) - (G) of the Wetterling Act (42 U.S.C. 14071 (a) (3) (F) - (G)). In light of these definitions, the registrants to whom the requirements of subsection (j) apply are those who: (1) are enrolled in any institution of higher education in the state on a full-time or 兼职,或(2)在某一机构从事任何形式的全职或兼职工作 在该州接受高等教育超过14天,无论有没有补偿, or for an aggregate period exceeding thirty days in a calendar year.

The CSCPA provisions in subsection (j) of the Wetterling Act are supplementary to, 且不限制或取代《云顶集团4008om》第(b) (7) (b)款的规定 法案要求各州接受居住在该州的罪犯的登记信息 outside a state but come into the state in order to work or attend school. Subsection (b) (7) (b)仅适用于非居民工人和学生,但不限于此 在范围内,那些在高等教育机构工作或就读的人(相反) to other places of employment or schools). The requirements under subsection (b) (7) (B) are explained in part V.B.2 of the January 5, 1999, Wetterling Act guidelines (64 FR 572, 585).

CSCPA对《云顶集团4008om》修正案的生效日期是两年后 enactment. Hence, following October 27, 2002, Byrne Formula Grant awards to states 不符合《云顶集团4008om》第(j)款规定的 to a mandatory 10% reduction. If a state's funding is reduced because of a failure 遵守CSCPA对《云顶集团4008om》的修订或《云顶集团4008om》的其他要求 在一个适用的截止日期之前,州政府可以重新获得全额资助的资格 by establishing compliance with all applicable requirements of the Wetterling Act. 鼓励各国提交关于现有和拟议的性犯罪者的资料 registration provisions relating to compliance with the SCSCPA amendment as soon as possible.

After the reviewing authority has determined that a state is in compliance with the 在《云顶集团4008om》中,州政府有持续的义务保持其系统的一致性 符合韦特林法案的标准,并将作为伯恩公式的一部分 拨款申请程序在随后的计划年,以证明国家仍然 in compliance with the Wetterling Act.

这些准则仅涉及《云顶集团》中修订《云顶集团4008om》的条款 Act, and hence affect state eligibility for full Byrne Grant funding. In addition to adding subsection (j) to the Wetterling Act, the CSCPA amended federal education laws to ensure the availability to the campus community of information concerning the presence of registered sex offenders. The Department of Education is responsible for the issuance of regulations relating to those laws.

如上所述,《云顶集团》的一般准则已于1月公布 5, 1999, and appear at 64 FR 572, with corrections at 64 FR 3590 (Jan. 22, 1999). 本补充准则涉及的《云顶集团》第(j)款的新规定, are only one part of the Wetterling Act. States must comply with all of the Wetterling Act's requirements in order to maintain eligibility for full Byrne Grant funding.

The "Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act" is a federal law enacted on October 28, 2000 that provides for the tracking of convicted, registered sex offenders enrolled as students at institutions of higher education, or working or volunteering on campus. 该法案修订了1974年的《云顶集团》,以澄清这一点 该法案的任何内容不得被解释为禁止教育机构披露 向该机构提供的关于已登记性犯罪者的信息和要求 教育部长采取适当措施通知教育机构 that disclosure of this information is permitted. Information about registered sex offenders may be found on the Texas Department of Public Safety web page at